“Game Changer: India Unleashes Tejas Aircraft Nationwide to Counter Pakistan and China Threats!”

India Deploys Tejas Aircraft Nationwide to Counter Threats from Pakistan and China India is significantly expanding the operational range of its domestically developed Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), transitioning from a regional focus to a nationwide strategic deployment. This expansion aims to integrate the Tejas combat jet as a prominent element of the country’s air

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Mind-Blowing Transformation: From Pakistan Flags to Tricolours, The Astonishing Shift in Kashmir Revealed!

Prior to 2014, the Pakistani flag used to fly high in Jammu & Kashmir’s Lal Chowk, but the situation has drastically changed now, according to Harsh Sanghavi, the Minister of State for Home. Sanghavi commended the efforts of the Central government, highlighting a significant transformation. He noted that in the years preceding 2014, it was

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Fisticuffs Erupt as Mosque Factions Battle Over National Flag Hoisting on India’s Independence Day!

Kasaragod: On the occasion of India’s 77th Independence Day, a scenario unfolded at the Jamaat mosque in Kasaragod’s Eruthumkadavu, where two factions found themselves in conflict over the hoisting of the national flag. The disagreement escalated into fisticuffs as both sides contested over who should have the honor of raising the tricolour. This dispute, which

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Game-Changer Unveiled: China’s Laser Weapon Breakthrough Shatters Limits! What’s Next?

Chinese Military Scientists Make Strides in Laser Weapon Technology NEW DELHI: Chinese military scientists have made a significant advancement in the field of laser weapon technology. Scientists hailing from the National University of Defence Technology in Changsha have unveiled what they deem a “remarkable breakthrough.” They assert that they’ve successfully devised a cooling mechanism for

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