navy news update

Navy’s Arsenal Upgrade: 5 High-Tech Fleet Support Ships Announced

Ministry Inks Contract with HSL for 5 Fleet Support Ships for Navy

The Defence Ministry has officially entered into a contract with Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL), Visakhapatnam, to procure five advanced Fleet Support Ships (FSS) for the Indian Navy. This agreement, valued at a total of Rs 19,000 crore, marks a significant step towards bolstering indigenous defence manufacturing. The Defence Ministry emphasized that these vessels will be entirely designed and built by HSL, contributing to the nation’s self-reliance goals. The decision to acquire these ships was endorsed by the Cabinet Committee on Security during its meeting on August 16.

These Fleet Support Ships will play a pivotal role in sustaining operational capabilities at sea by providing essential services like fuel, water, ammunition, and supplies to other naval vessels. By enabling prolonged operations without returning to port, they enhance the Navy’s flexibility and endurance. Furthermore, these vessels are expected to augment the Indian Naval Fleet’s strategic reach and effectiveness, particularly in blue-water missions.

These ships are versatile and can also serve humanitarian purposes, including the evacuation of individuals and providing assistance during disasters. Remarkably, the FSS, weighing 44,000 tonnes, represents the first-of-its-kind project to be undertaken by an Indian shipyard, signifying a substantial leap forward for the nation’s shipbuilding capabilities.

Over the span of eight years, this initiative is projected to generate employment opportunities equivalent to around 168.8 lakh mandays. Beyond the direct impact on job creation, this endeavor is expected to foster growth in associated industries, particularly Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The construction of these sophisticated ships not only advances India’s maritime capabilities but also stimulates the broader industrial landscape.

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